The Modern College of Design – NSAC COMPETITION 2022

Meta Quest

NSAC, the National Student Advertising Competition, helped Meta Quest with an upcoming marketing season to improve public opinion about the company. The Modern placed 2nd in the District.

The Modern team’s goals:

Create a desire for college students to make the Quest 2 one of their college essentials by showcasing the headset’s potential for connection, creativity, entertainment, and beyond.

Redefine what virtual reality means for college students, creating a space for the audience to participate in VR on their own terms.


My Role

I wore many hats on my team. As someone who had previously participated in NSAC, I was able to contribute to marketing research as well as creative execution. I also served as a strategist and kept our timeline on track. Most of all, I presented in front of judges and the other teams in our district. Our presentation was 20 minutes long and fully memorized.




Anthony-Thomas Externship